I come from a time
if you wanted to speak to the Managing Director of BHP
you rang the switchboard,
you went through to his secretary and she would listen to your reason for calling
and would either put you straight through
or, she would answer your request or, he would ring you back.
I did it once as a schoolchild with a project
and the response from the man himself
was nothing short of amazing,
I got an A+!!!!
Today I received a letter of offer
from one of the big mobile companies
it was signed by the director - Customer Lifecycle and Retention
(you just gotta love the title!!!!)
The offer asks me to sign up for 24 months
and will give me 6 frequent flyer points for every dollar spent
(that is, if, I am already a member of said frequent flyer company!!)
I have not been offered any way to renew my current contract
so naively I thought I would ring this director
and mention that I have been with this particular company
for more than 20 years...
the first 10 without any contract
I have remained with this company
because they have been good to me, in my good and bad times
I thought he might like to know
that some of us stay without bribes
that we actually have company loyalty
and we don't need to be tied into contracts
(hey good for an ad maybe?)
But, could I get through to this man who signs the letter?
Could I find out the phone number that leads to their head office switchboard?
Could I leave my name and number so he could ring me
Were they interested
that I had been with them that long
(I was the 14 customer to buy the NEC P5 the smallest mobile in 1992!!)
and it is just possible that
I am their oldest continuous mobile customer!!
Am I going to stay with them?
But I am grateful for the whole thing
because with the inability to speak to the signatory of a letter that they sent to me
(Really why bother signing it at all if you are not going to be available!!)
got me mad enough to break this vicious cycle of lethargy
that has hung about me like a black cloud for the last month.
The black cloud that flung me back 12 months
(I truly wasn't expecting that!)
So with a bit of luck my little episode
with said mobile company may get me back to posting again!!!
Sorry for the whinge!!!!!!
Have any of you found it difficult
to get past the operator, in some far flung country,
to speak to someone in authority?