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Tuesday, 1 May 2012

What did you read in April....?

Sitting comfortably on my
absolutely must keep bookshelves
are names we are all familiar with
the classics old and new
thrillers, literature, adventure
Many are rather on the aged side most are hard bound
but sneaking in there

are two battered old paperback books

They are nothing flash, they are not new,
 in fact both
were published in the early 80's
I would not, necessarily, recommend them as must reads
but they are easy reads
the stories are simple in their complications
 and they would probably both fit into the
romance genre

Catherine Nicolson says this is the only book for which she wrote a happy ending

This is the only book Jane Sandford wrote

Why are these two books on those shelves?
Because for some reason they connect with me
they speak to me!
They are not the best books I have ever read
they are not my favourite books
they are just two little books that
in some strange way speak to something in my soul
and I have absolutely no idea why!!!!


When I have trouble reading, as I do at the moment,
I will take one of these down and before I know it
I am totally involved with the characters,
 I am believing in them
and suddenly I am reading again
and for this reason they will remain forever on my special shelves!!

They both came down last month to be  read again!

and now I am deep into this
written in the early 60's by Dymphna Cusack
it takes place in an era I remember and a town I could have grown up in
 so I am having a lovely romp through its pages!

 April was a month for older books
written in a time before computers and mobile phones!!!!

Do you have a book that speaks to you?

P.S. I am sharing my books this month with Felicity and vive le livre
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